Friday, August 24, 2012

Personalized Organizers Planners versus PDA Systems

I have many reasons why I would use a leather planner instead of a PDA system. In order to keep up with all the things I do daily I tend to write a list and go down the list when I have completed the task. When having a leather planner things become a lot easier for me because I can write out the daily tasks in any shape or form. This gives me the chance and opportunity to write it down in a language I know best. What I mean about that is I get the chance to write it down with my own personal hand writing. When using a smart phone to write down my daily tasks or using a PDA system I tend to get confused with the process.

Writing your schedule in your smartphone takes a lot longer than it needs to if you were able to write it down in your leather planner. When writing something down in your planner you can use shorthand or note taking styles to get your ideas across. When writing something down in your PDA system you tend to have a more difficult time typing out the notes and have to write the whole idea down in order to be comfortable with it. People write in their planners using pictures or symbols and with a smart phone you don't have the freedom of doing that in a calendar application. On top of that when writing something down in this unique sized notepad you are less likely to misplace or lose your device. The sizes of smart phones today have greatly decreased and when compared to a planner it is very different in shape.

Have you ever looked at something and had a thought of another thing? Do you ever get that feeling of being reminded when you look at an object and you say "Oh yeah I have to do that"? Well, when looking at your leather organizer planner you will more likely be reminded of a daily task you have to perform than looking at your mobile phone. When I take a look at my phone I think of all the games, applications and text messages I am getting. Now, when looking at something that organizes all my work I will be constantly reminded of things I have to get done before the next day starts if you know what I mean.

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